1. Right Click on the part
  2. Part properties > Rendering Set Facet Surface smoothing to 150
  3. File > Export
  4. Choose .STL 

With IronCAD, you can only save parts as STL files.

When working in assembly mode, you must save its component parts as individual STL files. The procedures for doing so are described below.

Saving a model design in STL format

  1. Open the model design in IronCAD.
  2. Right-click on the part and, from the pop-up menu, select Part Properties... The Part dialog box appears.
  3. Make sure that the Rendering tab is displayed.
  4. Change the Surface Smoothness setting to an appropriate value for your model. > If you have not established an appropriate value, try 150. The higher the number, the smoother the model surface will be.
  5. Change the Max edge length setting to an appropriate value for your model. If you have not established an appropriate value, try 0.05. This setting produces good results, but increases file size and may require several minutes to render the model to STL format.
  6. To create smoother model surfaces, when designing spherical and torus geometries, select the Triangulated mesh check box. Selecting this check box results in larger STL files, but may produce smoother curves in models. If the surfaces of the model design are planes, this setting does not improve the results.
  7. Click OK to save the settings and close the dialog box.
  8. From the File menu, select Export > STL.
  9. In the Stereolithography dialog box, make sure PC is selected, and select the Binary output check box.
  10. Click OK to save the settings and create the STL file.

